Dr T N Rao, on behalf of South Asia Gas Enterprise Private Ltd (SAGE), a consortium led by the Indian Siddho Mal Group, laid out a presentation for the VIF faculty on building a deep-water, trans-national, natural gas pipeline system from the Middle East to India.
The focused was on India’s gas requirement, evaluation of pipelines versus LNG container supply costing details and the ‘SAGE Vision’. Dr Rao argued that India needs to look at alternative sources in order to meet its growing demands of energy. While TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan-India) and IPI (Iran-Pakistan-India) are yet to take off, the Middle East to India Deepwater Gas Pipeline (MEIDP) is preferred on geo-strategic, economic and commercial bases.
Following the presentation, an interactive session was held with General N C Vij, Director, VIF, Amb Dinkar Srivastava, India’s former Ambassador to Iran, Mr Subodh Kumar Jain, Director, South Asia Gas Enterprise, Amb RajivSikri, among others, participating.
[1] https://www.vifindia.org/event/report/2017/may/10/round-table-discussion-on-deep-water-gas-pipeline
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