International Relations and Diplomacy
Developing Nodes of Excellence on China

Introduction India does not have clear perceptions of China and our thinking is based on the 1962 War and also from opinions of research findings of other countries. Thus despite all efforts, China remains an enigma with regards t....

A Discussion on the book ‘From Chanakya to Modi: The Evolution of India’s Foreign Policy’

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on 02 Aug 2017 organised a discussion on a recently published book on India’s foreign policy, ‘From Chanakya to Modi: The Evolution of India’s Foreign Policy’, authored by Dr. Aparna Pandey, the ....

Doklam- Chinese Lies and Misinformation

China’s propaganda on Doklam is not only shrill, it is mendacious too. It is officially claiming that it had informed our side in advance about its road building plans on two occasions through local border management mechanisms but received no resp....

America's Future is with India and Israel

Diplomatic Transformation From the Indo-Pacific to the Mediterranean, a diplomatic transformation is underway. The winds of change are blowing not from Beijing, but from Delhi. President Donald Trump has an opportunity to harness ....

ASEAN’s Centrality and the South China Sea Dispute

The concept of Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) centrality has been much talked about as being one of the most cherished principles of the multilateral organization; however, there is no clear or detailed definition of the term. Yet ....

मरावी : फिलीपींस में संकट और आसियान-भारत आतंकरोधी सहयोग की आवश्यकता

इस्लामिक स्टेट ऑफ इराक एंड सीरिया (आईएसआईएस) और दुनिया भर में उसके अनगिनत सहयोगियों के उभार की अ....

कतर को राजनयिक तौर पर अलग-थलग करना: कारण और परिणाम

हाल ही में कतर के तीन बहुत शक्तिशाली पड़ोसियों ने गैस के प्राचुर्य वाले इस देश के साथ संबंध तोड़....

Discussion on ‘India and the North West Indian Ocean Region: Bridging the Gulf

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on 14 Jul 2017 organised a two-part Round Table Discussion with a panel of eminent maritime security and foreign policy experts, including Vice Admiral G Ashok Kumar, Deputy Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Ad....

एशिया-अफ्रीका वृद्धि गलियारा: क्या इससे पलटेगी बाजी?

एएजीसी दृष्टि पत्र – उत्पत्ति और इसके निर्माण के पीछे की संस्थाएं? अफ्रीकी विकास बैंक (अ....

भारत और एससीओ अस्ताना सम्मेलन और उसके बाद

शांघाई सहयोग संगठन (एससीओ) में 2005 से ही पर्यवेक्षक की भूमिका निभा रहे भारत को जून में आयोजित अस्त�....

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