“Et tu Brutus” has been synonymous with perfidy. But on June 17 when the USA invoked its “Caesar Act” against Syria and its embattled President Assad, pursuant to the geo-political games, Assad would have closed the caption by accusing Caesar....
“Et tu Brutus” has been synonymous with perfidy. But on June 17 when the USA invoked its “Caesar Act” against Syria and its embattled President Assad, pursuant to the geo-political games, Assad would have closed the caption by accusing Caesar....
In this six month long mercurial quest for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients, winners are far from declared. Among the various antiviral treatments tested or deployed to inhibit the viral growth, hydroxychloroquine has had an unparalleled....
At a time when the world attention is focussed in battling the Covid-19, two communist nations – China and North Korea – are engaged in different terrains as if to deflect the focus from containing Covid-19. Both are unfortunate developments and ....
It has been business as usual for Naxalites of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), even as the country has been fighting the challenge of COVID-19 pandemic. Incidents of violence by the Maoists, efforts at shoring–up their arsenal and extortion,....
Pakistan was already going through an economic slowdown when the COVID outbreak took place. It had received the US $ 6 billion of assistance from the IMF under Extended Fund Facility last year. The money came with conditions. The IMF policy of inflat....
The UN General Assembly designated fifth June as the World Environment Day in 1972. In 1974 the first Environment Day was celebrated on the theme “Only one Earth”. That theme is as relevant today as it was then. Covid-19 has brought home the onen....