Peshawar Bombing likely to Heighten Stress in Pakistan-Taliban Relations

Taliban’s triumph in Afghanistan in August 2021 was seen as a strategic victory for Pakistan. But the initial euphoria considerably withered away in the course of the following months, by the general drift in the Pakistan-Taliban relations. Two fac....

Pompeo’s Balakot Claim and the Need to Adopt a Nuanced Understanding of Indo-Pak Deterrence Relationship

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s recent claim that India and Pakistan were on the brink of a nuclear war after India conducted the Balakot airstrike in February 2019 has rekindled fears over the fragile state of deterrence relationship be....

Fumio Kishida’s Five-nation Tour: An Assessment

After adopting a path-breaking measure to rearm Japan in December 2022 in the wake of North Korean threat and China’s belligerence, Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida undertook a six-day, five nation tour starting with 8 January 2023 that took ....

The Unbroken Guru-Sishya tradition and The Continuity of Bharatvarsha

Bharatvarsh, the nation that is today Bharat, has an antiquity dating back to the Vedic period -- at least 3500 years before. There is no land and people on this earth who have been aligned like Bharatvarsh and Bharatiyas. Their alignment has an anti....

The Promise and Peril of Africa in 2023

As the year 2022 ended, here is a brief recap of what happened in Africa over the past year. Most African countries were still battling to recover from the pandemic when the year began. However, a series of disruptions, such as supply shortages and s....

Geopolitics of Cyber Attribution

With the world witnessing a full-scale offensive as a part of the Russia-Ukraine conflict it now seems inevitable that all future conflicts will have a cyber component. As nations worldwide prepare to develop their capabilitie....

Bangladesh in 2022: Year-End Review and Way Forward

The Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus was threatening the world at the beginning of 2022, and the impact was more severe in developing countries like Bangladesh. The pandemic impacted overall growth and dented the economy to a great extent. Most ....

US Critical and Emerging Technology Strategy

As a part of the wider modernisation agenda, the US Department of State announced on 3rd January 2023 the establishment of a new Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology. The purpose of establishing this office is to bring add....

From the Global South to G20, with despair and concern

India at 75 is not what it was during the Cold War, striving to preserve autonomy of national action between two hostile politico-military blocs. Those blocs are gone. At the World Economic Forum in Davos recently, captains of industry and ....

India China Border Dispute Packets of Information to Continuous Spectrum

China Factor: A Seven Decades Old Dispute Debated on Packets of Information
In recent times - especially after the Galwan incident of 15 June 2020, Sino Indian border dispute is the most intensely debated topic in Indian media. The cont....

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