Neighbourhood Studies
No Going Back from Federal System in Nepal

The Madhesh movement that started in June 2015 against the 16-point deal to draft Nepal’s new constitution on “fast track” approach is continuing unabated till today. Amidst most fierce opposition to the constitution by the Madheshi people, it

चाबहार – रणनीतिक प्रतिद्वंद्विता से अफगानिस्तान का फायदा

ईरान और अफगानिस्तान तथा उसके भी आगे मध्य एशिया तक व्यापारिक मार्ग तैयार करने का भारत का प्रयास �

Sri Lanka’s New Constitution - a Politico- Legal Challenge

In accordance with the electoral promises made by the Sirisena-Wickremesinghe government relating to the abolition of the executive Presidency, electoral reforms; transparency and accountability in governance and finding a political solution to ethni

Kashmir in Cauldron

When most parts of the north western region of India was afflicted with communal orgy during the pre-partition days around 1947, the neighbouring state of Jammu & Kashmir witnessed no ripples of any communal tension. It provided a solace to Mahatma

Power Transition in Myanmar and Indo-Myanmar Relations

The new government in Myanmar headed by President Htin Kyaw of National League for Democracy though de facto led by Aung San Suu Kyi has completed over two months in power. The current Myanmar regime faces many daunting challenges both at home as als

पाकिस्तान को एफ-16 दिए जाने पर अमेरिका का पीठ दिखानाः क्या यह एक वास्तविकता है?

पाकिस्तान के लिए एफ -16 उन्नत लड़ाकू विमानों की आपूर्ति पर अमेरिकी कांग्रेस का पीछे हटने की घटना, न

उइगर समस्याः चीन सरकार को चिंता क्यों?

शिनचियांग उइगर स्वायत्तशासी क्षेत्र मुख्य रूप से उइगर समस्या तथा केंद्र सरकार के साथ उनके टकर�

PM Modi’s Visit to Iran

India-Iran relations are underpinned by cultural, religious and linguistic bonds. The name Iran means the ‘place of Aryans’.Sanskrit and Avesta shared common roots. Modern Farsi language has influenced both Urdu and Hindi. We often forget that ti

Chabahar – The Gains for Afghanistan from Strategic Competition

The Indian quest for trade route to Iran and Afghanistan extending to Central Asia is about to be realised as the technical teams agreed after negotiations took place among countries in April, 2016 have been finalised. India, Iran and Afghanistan

The US about turn on F-16s for Pakistan: Is it for real?

The US Congress about turn on the supply of F-16 advanced fighter aircraft for Pakistan appears less to do with policy and more an action borne out of frustration; a temporary inconvenience for Pakistan. According to the deal, Pakistan would have p

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