Imran Khan
POK: Election or Selection?

POK underwent the 11th general election on 25th July. The outcome held no surprise. It is invariably the party in power in Islamabad, which wins the election in the territory. The outgoing regime of Raja Farouk Haider was elected when PML (N) of...

Afghan Lives Matter: Part 1- Role of Pakistan and her Emerging Dilemma

(This article is Part 1 of two parts’ series; second part will be on the Taliban role and what to expect from them and what does one make of the chorus of voices one sees in favour of Taliban and why any such outreach will take us nowhere.)...

Appalling state of Press Freedom in Pakistan

A strained relationship exists between the media and state in Pakistan. Pakistan has gradually and systematically strengthened a tyrannical grip over freedom of expression1. More sophisticated and complex methods of silencing dissenting voices have...

Pakistan: The Relentless Killings of the Hazaras<sup>1</sup>

The cold-blooded killing of 11 Shia Hazara miners in Geshtari area of Machh, Balochistan on 03 January 2021 by the Islamic State (IS) refocused attention on the brutal persecution of minorities in Pakistan in recent decades. However, even among the...

Pakistan’s Democratic Opening?

Pakistan’s opposition parties under the banner of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) have unleashed a direct attack on Imran Khan Government and its military backers. After two rallies in Gujranwala and Karachi by PDM, Pakistan’s hybrid regime is...

Why the Revival of CPEC now?

In international rhetoric, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is often referred to as the crown jewel or the colossal blunder of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. These diametrically opposite assessments reflect the ambiguity and...

Pakistan: Civil-Military Relations<sup>1</sup>

Whatever be the constitutional position, one thing is clear that in the final analysis, political sovereignty in Pakistan resides … where the coercive power resides… which is the ultimate authority in the decision-making process in Pakistan. They...

The Dismal State of Human Rights in Pakistan

Human Rights in Pakistan remain a vexed issue. The Pakistan state and its security agencies instead of protecting its people remains shamelessly in retreat and have habitually trampled on Human Rights in the name of security, religion and...

Pakistan Puts its Foot into its Mouth

Making a nuisance of yourself is a special art which only a few can master. This often happens when you are blinded by some misplaced priorities and others can see through your game. This is what happened when Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood...

Pakistan Foreign Minister Qureshi’s Visit to China

The recently concluded 2nd Round of China-Pakistan Foreign Ministers’ Strategic Dialogue has drawn considerable media attention. The Joint Press Statement issued has come a long way from the statement issued in November 2018, when Prime Minister...

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