Neighbourhood Studies
Executions in Myanmar Disturbing News for the Region and the World

The execution of four democracy activists on 25 July 2022 by Myanmar’s military junta accused of helping to carry out “terrorist acts” sparked widespread condemnation and outrage. The four were sentenced to death in closed-door trials in Januar

What Lies Ahead of the Military Executions in Myanmar?

On 25 July 2022, the Myanmar military executed four prisoners (an NLD member and three other anti-regime protestors)[1]. Even though many of the anti-regime protesters and individuals of ethnic armed gr

An Analysis of ASEAN’s Special Envoy Visit to Myanmar

As Cambodia takes over as the Chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2022, the visit of Cambodia’s Foreign Minister, Prak Sokhonn as ASEAN’s Special Envoy to Myanmar marks an important development in the current crisis-rid

2021 - A Year of Military Rule: Predictions and Way Forward for 2022

The year 2021 was the most distressing period in Myanmar’s independent history. Unlike the earlier two coups, the opposite forces (National Unity Government, People’s Defence Forces and Ethnic Armed Organisations) reacted sharply to the military

India's Foreign Secretary Visit to Myanmar in December 2021

10 months after the military coup, India made its first outreach to Myanmar. The Indian Foreign Secretary, Harsh Shringla's visit in the month of December 2021 was a significant step. To discuss India's engagement with Myanmar and whether India shou

Myanmar’s Battle on Social Media

In the present century, social media has become a battleground to provide authenticity and validation for oneself as well as to produce hatred and discontent for others. Since the rise of the Arab Spring, the role of social media in spreading democra

Foreign Secretary’s Visit to Myanmar -Reiterating India’s Support to its People

Indian Foreign Secretary was in Myanmar (22-23 Dec. 21) meeting with different stakeholders including the the military government and the opposition which continues to oppose the military reinstatement that took place in February 21 post the general

ASEAN Snubs the General in Myanmar in keeping him out of the Summit

ASEAN’s reputation as a successful regional entity is at stake because of the military coup in Myanmar on 1 February. No amount of counsel by other ASEAN members or the international community to persuade the junta to restore democracy has worked a

Rohingya Crises Enter Fifth Year

On 25 August 2017, Myanmar military led a crackdown against Rohingya in northern Rakhine State. The decades of minority suppression, economically, politically and socially culminated with military attacks on the Rohingya community. The attacks follow

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